Theta's Current Projects

I'm currently working on 4* projects!✨

Lilypad 💚 (Since August 24th, 2024)

Lilypad is a custom made Discord Bot for the Project: Lotus Discord. It is made with Discord.js and Express.js under the hood. I am the sole developer of Lilypad.

Project: Lotus' Site 🩷(Since August 11th, 2024)

The website for the Project: Lotus Among Us mod. It's powered by Astro.js and Starlight.
I am the lead contributor/dev for this, with others helping out.

Note: Just the Website, not the Mod, Discussions is the PL MOD Main Dev.

Personal Website 💜(Since February 1st, 2024)

My personal site. (the one you're on now!) This is powered by Astro.js, The version of the website you're viewing right now is Version 2.
This was made to help me learn Javascript and Astro!

Misc Stuff 🖤

I do a lot of stuff! This is for some of the stuff I couldn't categorize or made too small of an impact towards and didn't feel comfortable listing.